Will Trent

Will Trent Season 2 Ending: Where Did Will Go Addressed By Co-Showrunner

Will Trent co-showrunner Daniel Thomsen addresses where Will went following his major decision during the season 2 finale. Will Trent season 2 ended with the titular character placing Angie under arrest after learning she tampered with evidence and made false statements to keep Crystal disconnected from Lenny Broussard’s murder. After putting his long-time girlfriend in handcuffs, Will leaves for parts unknown. This makes other characters worried about where he’s gone, only knowing he has his dog Betty with him.

Ramón Rodríguez as Will Trent and Susan Kelechi Watson as Cricket Dawson in Will Trent season 2, episode 1.

Speaking with TVLine, Thomsen hinted at where Will may have gone following the Will Trent season 2 finale. While the co-showrunner doesn’t provide a definitive answer on his whereabouts – that hasn’t been decided yet – he says going to Puerto Rico to see Antonio isn’t off the table. Check out what Thomsen had to say below:

I mean, it’s definitely on our board for options. No decisions have been made yet, but if you’re ranking places that Will would want to go, that’s definitely up there.

Where Could Will Have Gone In Will Trent Season 2?

Will Trent standing looking a little dazed/shocked while holding a dog

It’s never made clear where Will is going by the end of season 2, only that he needs to leave Atlanta for now until he can clear his mind of what he’s done. The special agent has been through many tough times as of late, with Will Trent season 2 revealing his backstory and why he feels responsible for his mother getting killed. Angie’s false testimony appeared to be the last straw for him, making him decide to have her arrested before skipping town. This indicates his darker mental state, something that could have influenced where he went.

Puerto Rico seems like the most likely location for Will to go, especially after how close he’s gotten to Antonio since the pair found each other in season 2. It’s possible he wants to see a friendly face after everything that’s happened, perhaps even getting advice on what to do moving forward. However, it’s equally likely that he wants to be alone, having already pushed Angie away with his major decision. While talking with someone could help, self-reflection might be something he needs even more after what he’s done.

Wherever Will ends up going, it will no doubt have an important impact on his mental state during Will Trent season 3. Since he’ll no doubt come back by the time the events of the next season begin, where he went could be a background mystery for the series to explore moving forward. No matter where he ends up, though, it will give him time to think about his actions, reflecting on the kind of GBI agent he wants to be moving forward.

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