Below Deck

I Think Captain Kerry Has Been The Villain On Below Deck Season 11

Below Deck season 11’s Captain Kerry Titheradge has been edited to be the savior of the season, but his time on the St. David has me wondering if he’s actually been the villain all along. Originally introduced on Below Deck Adventure, Captain Kerry has been one of the most buzzed-about parts of Below Deck season 11. Stepping into the massive shoes of Captain Lee Rosbach, Captain Kerry had to impress the audience quickly in order to get viewers to trust in his guidance and focus on the other drama happening throughout the St. David crew.

While Captain Kerry has had some great moments throughout the current charter season, there have also been some situations that lead me to believe he’s more villainous than it seemed from episode to episode. Though he’s taken strong stances on the way he treats members of the crew and could stand back and allow his team to make mistakes before he jumps to fix them, Captain Kerry’s behavior has been limited for viewers. The majority of Below Deck season 11 has seen Kerry conducting himself with guests or talking about his relationship. There could be more than meets the eye.

Captain Kerry Has Been Edited As A Savior All Season

Below Deck Season 11 Captain Kerry montage

Throughout Below Deck’s history, the Captain is the person on the crew that the viewers should be invested in wholeheartedly. From Captain Lee to Captain Sandy Yawn of Below Deck Mediterranean and Captain Jason Chambers of Below Deck Down Under, the superyacht Captains are a major part of the success of a Below Deck season, and a charter in general. Captain Kerry should be no exception, as his move from Below Deck Adventure to the original Below Deck was historic. Viewers needed to trust in Captain Kerry in order to let the rest of the superyacht drama fall into place.

Throughout the season, it has been made clear that Below Deck season 11’s crew is in capable hands, but Captain Kerry’s ability to be a good Captain wasn’t questioned in the show’s narrative. Captain Kerry was lauded as a great Captain, treating his crew members equally and giving them second chances when necessary. Though this behavior hasn’t shifted throughout the season, it’s questionable if that was genuinely what happened after learning of some of Kerry’s alleged behavior from the crew after the charter. I believe Captain Kerry was edited favorably on the series, but his behavior may have been different.

Ben Willoughby’s Comments About Him Have Been Damaging


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Bài viết do Ben Willoughby (@wanderingwilloughby) chia sẻ

After Below Deck season 11, Bosun Ben Willoughby took to Instagram to share some photos from the season along with his thoughts about his time aboard St. David. Though Ben had been a part of Below Deck season 10, his time aboard the superyacht during the most recent charter season had been different. For Ben, the majority of Below Deck season 10 had been about his failed boatmance with Camille Lamb. In contrast, the last charter season had changed his life personally and professionally, and he had a lot to say about the events as they unfolded on screen.

Ben’s behavior aboard St. David throughout Below Deck season 11 wasn’t always the best. Drama seemed to follow Ben, and he frequently blamed the show’s editing for not showing the full picture when viewers complained. Ben recently shared that Captain Kerry’s behavior wasn’t what viewers have been shown. Instead, he explained during an Instagram Q&A that Kerry wasn’t kind to the production staff or anyone behind the scenes on Below Deck. He claimed the Captain’s kindness has all been for show, which I believe Below Deck has tried to cover up by making Ben out to be the villain.

Captain Kerry May Be More Of A Micromanager Than He Seems

Below Deck Season 11 Captain Kerry montage

Within Ben’s complaints about Captain Kerry’s behavior, he shared that the Captain wasn’t appropriately polite with production staff, but also shared some more damaging evidence. He explained that firsthand, he’d seen Captin Kerry’s worst qualities throughout his time as Bosun. Ben being promoted to Bosun midway through the charter season put him in far closer contact with the Captain than he would’ve been otherwise. Ben shared that though he was thankful for the position, working in such close quarters with her Captain had made him skeptical of Kerry’s leadership. Unfortunately, the Captain’s alleged attitude had been hard to work with.

Ben shared that Captain Kerry struggled to get basic tasks done aboard St. David without the help of an advanced crew member, though he should’ve been able to handle everything happening aboard St. David. While Ben had been dealing with some mechanical problems on the secondary speedboat the yachties use to transport people to and from beach activities, the Captain micromanaged in a shot viewers saw on screen, but Ben shared had been tough for him. I believe Captain Kerry’s micromanagement and poor behavior was hidden from Below Deck viewers to create an alternate narrative, ensuring he didn’t appear villainous.

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