Below Deck

How Ben Willoughby Ruined His Chance Of Returning To Below Deck

Ben Willoughby has ruined his chances of returning to the franchise after Below Deck season 11. Hailing from Below Deck season 10, he joined the season as a deckhand under Captain Kerry Titheradge and Bosun Jared Woodin. Ben was promoted to Bosun after Jared was fired at the beginning of the season. Once he stepped up, the morale among the deck team grew. Ben did a great job as Bosun but couldn’t stay out of the drama. He swore that he wouldn’t get in a boatmance but formed an early connection with Sunny Marquis.

Ben likely won’t return to Below Deck because of his behavior since filming. He’s been extremely active on social media, sharing his distaste for his storyline in the season as Bosun. Ben feuded with Barbie Pascual, one of Fraser Olender’s stews, on social media as the new episodes aired. His activity online has certified him as the true villain of Below Deck season 11 whether he’s willing to admit it or not.

Ben Was Insubordinate On Below Deck Season 11
Ben Didn’t Want To Listen To Anyone

The deckhand-turned Bosun did not enjoy taking orders from his superiors. At the beginning of the season, Ben was not impressed by Jared’s performance as Bosun. Jared made silly mistakes which caught the attention of Captain Kerry. Ben told Us Weekly that it felt like he was “taking a step down” joining Below Deck season 11 as deckhand instead of Bosun. He went into the charter season upset about his role, which showed in how he talked about Jared. He was eventually fired and Ben took over as Bosun, where he thought he should’ve been from the start.

Ben Has An Ego On & Off The Show
Is Ben Full Of Himself?

 Ben Willoughby below deck montage blue polo in front green tshirt in back purple arrows and filter pointing right

Ben undoubtedly has an ego. Being a part of the Below Deck season 10 cast, he knew what he was getting into with season 11, coming in as alumni of the franchise. Ben’s ego seeps out in his worst moments. He has a sense of entitlement that makes him seem egotistical. Before going into the season, he expected to be Captain Kerry’s Bosun because of his experience with the show and the work he was doing off of it. When Jared struggled as Bosun, Ben made sure to call out his faults instead of trying to help him.

Ben’s Boatmance Caused Tension On His Team
Ben & Sunny’s Relationship Was Contentious Throughout The Season


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Bài viết do Ben Willoughby (@wanderingwilloughby) chia sẻ

Ben’s boatmance with Sunny caused a lot of tension among the deck team. Ben promoted Sunny to his lead deckhand, which upset Dylan Pierre De Villiers. Dylan spread rumors that she only got the job because she was sleeping with Ben. This upset the Bosun, and he pulled him aside to address his comments. Dylan apologized, but Sunny still had to work with him knowing what he thought about her. Ben and Sunny additionally had conflict throughout the season that tainted the working relationships between the exterior team.

While he was hooking up with Sunny, Ben took to Instagram to share that he wasn’t over his ex from Below Deck season 10, Camille Lamb. His posts upset the lead deckhand and admittedly made her feel blindsided. Once Ben found out that Sunny was sad about what he posted, he got angry. He confronted her and said they weren’t “attached to each other whatsoever” and they should take some time apart. Their boatmance was rather disruptive because they were both a part of the exterior team and were extremely up and down throughout Below Deck season 11.

Ben Bad-Mouthed Below Deck Online
Why Would Production Ask Ben To Come Back After Everything He’s Said?

Below Deck Season 11's Ben Willoughby smiling in interview with background of images while working

Ben was active on social media throughout the airing of Below Deck season 11. He said he was not happy about how he was portrayed in the season. Reddit user Teanailpolish shared screenshots of Ben’s Instagram Stories where he answered fan questions about the season. When asked if he would return, he gave an ambiguous answer and said he “used to love below deck.” Ben hinted at calling out the production edit of the season, adding that he couldn’t “control the edit” and that he “never” wants to “step foot on St. David again under those circumstances.”

“I’m at a crossroads as to whether the truth needs to be told or I don’t need to let this consume me anymore.”

From his statements on Instagram, it’s quite clear that Ben doesn’t want to return to Below Deck. However, he didn’t write off the entire franchise, stating that he’d like to join a “new crew” to “start fresh.” An Instagram user asked if he’d consider joining Below Deck Sailing Yacht or Below Deck Mediterranean, to which he answered, “in a heartbeat.” Ben might have dug his grave with his negative comments about production. It’s unlikely they’d want him to join a spin-off and risk him sharing more behind-the-scenes secrets about the show and its filming process.

Ben has ruined his shot at coming back to another season of Below Deck. He’s threatened to reveal secrets about production which has likely deterred them from inviting him to work on another season. Ben’s social media activity since filming has dug him into a hole that he probably won’t be able to climb out of.

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