Will Trent

Will Trent Season 3 opens with the end of Will and Angie’s romantic relationship forever – very sad

The most significant part of the season 2 finale was Will arresting Angie, leading one to believe there is no hope for their romance. It would be difficult to recover what was broken when Angie was arrested, so, hopefully, they can move on with their lives and seek happiness. Perhaps Will Trent season 3 will give Ramón Rodríguez’s character a new love interest (after he’s done grieving his relationship with Angie). Nevertheless, the events of Will Trent season 2, episode 10 were seemingly put in place to sever Will and Angie’s bond, while also setting up enticing storylines for season 3.

Why Will Arrested Angie
Angie Was Arrested For Covering Up Lenny’s Murder

Ramón Rodríguez as Will Trent Looking to the Side in a Police Station in the Will Trent season 2 finale

Once Will learned Angie had lied about Lenny’s murder in Will Trent season 2, episode 10, he was forced to make one of the most difficult choices he would ever make in his life. Will first confirmed his suspicions about Crystal killing Lenny while speaking with Diane, and then he made his way up to the Atlanta Police Department’s floor. At first, the ABC crime drama showed what could have been Will’s life if he didn’t arrest Angie. They would get married, have kids, and grow old together. But, instead of asking her to marry him, Will arrested Angie.

Once Will learned the truth, his relationship with Angie would never be the same, and they could never be the happy couple Will envisioned them to be.

Even though it pained him to do so, Will had to stick to his morals (and his duty as a GBI agent). He couldn’t help Angie continue covering up the truth behind Lenny’s death as it probably would have haunted him for the rest of his life. Once Will learned the truth, his relationship with Angie would never be the same, and they could never be the happy couple Will envisioned them to be. Plus, Diane had already threatened to sue the APD for the cover-up in Will Trent, so, others would eventually find out who really killed Lenny anyway.

How The Will Trent Season 2 Finale Sets Up Season 3
ABC Has Already Renewed Will Trent For Season 3

Erika Christensen as Angie Polaski in the Will Trent season 2 finale

The Will Trent season 2 finale perfectly sets up the renewed Will Trent season 3. Will ran away; Angie was arrested for tampering with evidence and covering up a murder; Ormewood’s wife told him she was filing for custody of their kids; Faith finally committed to a relationship with Luke; and Amanda was (and is) trying to hold everything and everyone together. Every character has issues to work through in future episodes, and the conflict in the show is at an all-time high.

Will must face the complicated decision he made to arrest Angie. Angie will go through a trial and her future in law enforcement is certainly at risk. Ormewood will fight for his children, especially after putting in the effort to be a better father and finally forming a good relationship with his son and daughter. Faith and Luke’s relationship will continue to grow. Finally, Amanda will likely search for Will in season 3.

How Will Found Out Angie Lied About Killing Lenny In Season 1
Crystal’s Case Led Will To Re-examine Lenny’s Death

Ramon Rodriguez as Will Trent in Will Trent season 2, episode 10

After Will and Faith found Angie in the woods in Will Trent season 2’s ending, they questioned her back at the GBI headquarters about how she came to believe Crystal was the serial killer. Still distressed and wanting to protect her secret (that she covered up Lenny’s death), Angie deflected, but Will could see right through her. He could tell that Angie knew Crystal was capable of murder, which is why she suspected the teenager in the first place. This gave Will the first inkling that something wasn’t right with Lenny’s case, resulting in him digging up the files.

Will did what Will always does and imagined himself at the crime scene, talking out what happened on his tape recorder and walking through that day’s events. Angie claimed she went to Lenny and Diane’s house for a wellness check, but Crystal and Diane were at a movie. Lenny attacked Angie, resulting in her killing him in self-defense. However, Will noticed that Angie had no defense wounds, meaning she didn’t defend herself, which wasn’t like her. Will correctly deduced that Crystal and Diane were there, Crystal murdered Lenny, and Angie covered it up to protect the teenager.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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